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Bases: BaseArtifactModel

Base class for evaluation results


Name Type Description
github_url Optional[HttpUrlString]

The URL to the GitHub repository of the code used to generate these results.

paper_url Optional[HttpUrlString]

The URL to the paper describing the methodology used to generate these results.

contributors Optional[list[HubUser]]

The users that are credited for these results.

_created_at datetime

The time-stamp at which the results were created. Automatically set.

For additional meta-data attributes, see the BaseArtifactModel class.


Bases: ResultsMetadata

Class for saving evaluation results

The actual results are saved in the results field using the following tabular format:

Test set Target label Metric Score
test_iid EGFR_WT AUC 0.9
test_ood EGFR_WT AUC 0.75
... ... ... ...
test_ood EGFR_L858R AUC 0.79
Categorizing methods

An open question is how to best categorize a methodology (e.g. a model). This is needed since we would like to be able to aggregate results across benchmarks/competitions too, to say something about which (type of) methods performs best in general.


Name Type Description
results ResultsType

Evaluation results are stored directly in a dataframe or in a serialized, JSON compatible dict that can be decoded into the associated tabular format.

For additional meta-data attributes, see the ResultsMetadata class.


Bases: EvaluationResult

Class specific to results for standard benchmarks.

This object is returned by BenchmarkSpecification.evaluate. In addition to the metrics on the test set, it contains additional meta-data and logic to integrate the results with the Polaris Hub.

The name of the benchmark for which these results were generated.

Together with the benchmark owner, this uniquely identifies the benchmark on the Hub.

benchmark_owner: The owner of the benchmark for which these results were generated. Together with the benchmark name, this uniquely identifies the benchmark on the Hub.


upload_to_hub(settings: Optional[PolarisHubSettings] = None, cache_auth_token: bool = True, access: Optional[AccessType] = 'private', owner: Union[HubOwner, str, None] = None, **kwargs: dict)

Very light, convenient wrapper around the PolarisHubClient.upload_results method.


Bases: BaseModel

Metric metadata


Name Type Description
fn Callable

The callable that actually computes the metric.

is_multitask bool

Whether the metric expects a single set of predictions or a dict of predictions.

kwargs dict

Additional parameters required for the metric.

direction DirectionType

The direction for ranking of the metric, "max" for maximization and "min" for minimization.


Bases: Enum

A metric within the Polaris ecosystem is uniquely identified by its name and is associated with additional metadata in a MetricInfo instance.

Implemented as an enum.


score(y_true: np.ndarray, y_pred: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, y_prob: Optional[np.ndarray] = None) -> float

Endpoint for computing the metric.

For convenience, calling a Metric will result in this method being called.

metric = Metric.mean_absolute_error
assert metric.score(y_true=first, y_pred=second) == metric(y_true=first, y_pred=second)



pearsonr(y_true: np.ndarray, y_pred: np.ndarray)

Calculate a pearson r correlation


spearman(y_true: np.ndarray, y_pred: np.ndarray)

Calculate a Spearman correlation


absolute_average_fold_error(y_true: np.ndarray, y_pred: np.ndarray) -> float

Calculate the Absolute Average Fold Error (AAFE) metric. It measures the fold change between predicted values and observed values. The implementation is based on this paper.


Name Type Description Default
y_true ndarray

The true target values of shape (n_samples,)

y_pred ndarray

The predicted target values of shape (n_samples,).



Name Type Description
aafe float

The Absolute Average Fold Error.


cohen_kappa_score(y_true, y_pred, **kwargs)

Scikit learn cohen_kappa_score wraper with renamed arguments



rmsd_coverage(y_pred: Union[str, List[dm.Mol]], y_true: Union[str, list[dm.Mol]], max_rsmd: float = 2)

Calculate the coverage of molecules with an RMSD less than a threshold (2 Å by default) compared to the reference molecule conformer.

It is assumed that the predicted binding conformers are extracted from the docking output, where the receptor (protein) coordinates have been aligned with the original crystal structure.


Name Type Description

List of predicted binding conformers.


List of ground truth binding confoermers.


The threshold for determining acceptable rsmd.