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SplitIndicesType module-attribute

SplitIndicesType: TypeAlias = list[int]

A split is defined by a sequence of integers.

SplitType module-attribute

SplitType: TypeAlias = tuple[
    SplitIndicesType, Union[SplitIndicesType, dict[str, SplitIndicesType]]

A split is a pair of which the first item is always assumed to be the train set. The second item can either be a single test set or a dictionary with multiple, named test sets.

ListOrArrayType module-attribute

ListOrArrayType: TypeAlias = list | ndarray

A list of numbers or a numpy array. Predictions can be provided as either a list or a numpy array.

IncomingPredictionsType module-attribute

IncomingPredictionsType: TypeAlias = (
    ListOrArrayType | dict[str, ListOrArrayType | dict[str, ListOrArrayType]]

The type of the predictions that are ingested into the Polaris BenchmarkPredictions object. Can be one of the following:

  • A single array (single-task, single test set)
  • A dictionary of arrays (single-task, multiple test sets)
  • A dictionary of dictionaries of arrays (multi-task, multiple test sets)

PredictionsType module-attribute

PredictionsType: TypeAlias = dict[str, dict[str, ndarray]]

The normalized format for predictions for internal use. Predictions are accepted in a generous variety of representations and normalized into this standard format, a dictionary of dictionaries that looks like {"test_set_name": {"target_name": np.ndarray}}.

DatapointType module-attribute

DatapointType: TypeAlias = tuple[DatapointPartType, DatapointPartType]

A datapoint has:

  • A single input or multiple inputs (either as dict or tuple)
  • No target, a single target or a multiple targets (either as dict or tuple)

SlugStringType module-attribute

SlugStringType: TypeAlias = Annotated[
    str, StringConstraints(pattern="^[a-z0-9-]+$", min_length=4, max_length=64)

A URL-compatible string that can serve as slug on the Hub.

SlugCompatibleStringType module-attribute

SlugCompatibleStringType: TypeAlias = Annotated[
    StringConstraints(pattern="^[A-Za-z0-9_-]+$", min_length=4, max_length=64),

A URL-compatible string that can be turned into a slug by the Hub.

Can only use alpha-numeric characters, underscores and dashes. The string must be at least 4 and at most 64 characters long.

Md5StringType module-attribute

Md5StringType: TypeAlias = Annotated[
    str, StringConstraints(pattern="^[a-f0-9]{32}$")

A string that represents an MD5 hash.

HubUser module-attribute

HubUser: TypeAlias = SlugCompatibleStringType

A user on the Polaris Hub is identified by a username, which is a SlugCompatibleStringType.

HttpUrlString module-attribute

HttpUrlString: TypeAlias = Annotated[
    str, BeforeValidator(lambda v: validate_python(v) and v)

A validated HTTP URL that will be turned into a string. This is useful for interactions with httpx and authlib, who have their own URL types.

AnyUrlString module-attribute

AnyUrlString: TypeAlias = Annotated[
    str, BeforeValidator(lambda v: validate_python(v) and v)

A validated generic URL that will be turned into a string. This is useful for interactions with other libraries that expect a string.

DirectionType module-attribute

DirectionType: TypeAlias = float | Literal['min', 'max']

The direction of any variable to be sorted. This can be used to sort the metric score, indicate the optmization direction of endpoint.

AccessType module-attribute

AccessType: TypeAlias = Literal['public', 'private']

Type to specify access to a dataset, benchmark or result in the Hub.

TimeoutTypes module-attribute

TimeoutTypes = Union[Tuple[int, int], Literal['timeout', 'never']]

Timeout types for specifying maximum wait times.

IOMode module-attribute

IOMode: TypeAlias = Literal['r', 'r+', 'a', 'w', 'w-']

Type to specify the mode for input/output operations (I/O) when interacting with a file or resource.

SupportedLicenseType module-attribute

SupportedLicenseType: TypeAlias = Literal[

Supported license types for dataset uploads to Polaris Hub

ZarrConflictResolution module-attribute

ZarrConflictResolution: TypeAlias = Literal['raise', 'replace', 'skip']

Type to specify which action to take when encountering existing files within a Zarr archive.

ChecksumStrategy module-attribute

ChecksumStrategy: TypeAlias = Literal['verify', 'verify_unless_zarr', 'ignore']

Type to specify which action to take to verify the data integrity of an artifact through a checksum.

ArtifactUrn module-attribute

ArtifactUrn: TypeAlias = Annotated[
    str, StringConstraints(pattern="^urn:polaris:\\w+:\\w+:\\w+$")

A Uniform Resource Name (URN) for an artifact on the Polaris Hub.

DatasetIndex module-attribute

DatasetIndex: TypeAlias = RowIndex | tuple[RowIndex, ColumnIndex]

To index a dataset using square brackets, we have a few options:

  • A single row, e.g. dataset[0]
  • Specify a specific value, e.g. dataset[0, "col1"]

There are more exciting options we could implement, such as slicing, but this gets complex.

PredictionKwargs module-attribute

PredictionKwargs: TypeAlias = Literal['y_pred', 'y_prob', 'y_score']

The type of predictions expected by the metric interface.

ColumnName module-attribute

ColumnName: TypeAlias = str

A column name in a dataset.


Bases: BaseModel

An owner of an artifact on the Polaris Hub

The slug is most important as it is the user-facing part of this data model. The externalId and type are added to be consistent with the model returned by the Polaris Hub .

normalize staticmethod

normalize(owner: str | Self) -> Self

Normalize a string or HubOwner instance to a HubOwner instance.


Bases: Enum

The high-level classification of different targets.


Bases: Enum

The high-level classification of different tasks.