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Bases: BaseSettings

Settings for the OAuth2 Polaris Hub API Client.

Secrecy of these settings

Since the Polaris Hub uses PCKE (Proof Key for Code Exchange) for OAuth2, these values thus do not have to be kept secret. See RFC 7636 for more info.


Name Type Description
hub_url HttpUrlString

The URL to the main page of the Polaris Hub.

api_url HttpUrlString | None

The URL to the main entrypoint of the Polaris API.

authorize_url HttpUrlString

The URL of the OAuth2 authorization endpoint.

callback_url HttpUrlString | None

The URL to which the user is redirected after authorization.

token_fetch_url HttpUrlString

The URL of the OAuth2 token endpoint.

user_info_url HttpUrlString

The URL of the OAuth2 user info endpoint.

scopes str

The OAuth2 scopes that are requested.

client_id str

The OAuth2 client ID.

ca_bundle Union[str, bool, None]

The path to a CA bundle file for requests. Allows for custom SSL certificates to be used.

default_timeout TimeoutTypes

The default timeout for requests.

hub_token_url HttpUrlString | None

The URL of the Polaris Hub token endpoint. A default value is generated based on the Hub URL, and this should not need to be overridden.

username str | None

The username for the Polaris Hub, for the optional password-based authentication.

password str | None

The password for the specified username.


    settings: PolarisHubSettings | None = None,
    cache_auth_token: bool = True,
    **kwargs: dict,

Bases: OAuth2Client

A client for the Polaris Hub API. The Polaris Hub is a central repository of datasets, benchmarks and results. Visit it here:

Bases the authlib client, which in turns bases the httpx client. See the relevant docs to learn more about how to use these clients outside of the integration with the Polaris Hub.

Closing the client

The client should be closed after all requests have been made. For convenience, you can also use the client as a context manager to automatically close the client when the context is exited. Note that once the client has been closed, it cannot be used anymore.

# Make sure to close the client once finished
client = PolarisHubClient()

# Or use the client as a context manager
with PolarisHubClient() as client:
Interacting with artifacts owned by an organization

Soon after being added to a new organization on Polaris, there may be a delay spanning some minutes where you cannot upload/download artifacts where the aforementioned organization is the owner. If this occurs, please re-login via polaris login --overwrite and try again.

Async Client

authlib also supports an async client. Since we don't expect to make multiple requests to the Hub in parallel and due to the added complexity stemming from using the Python asyncio API, we are sticking to the sync client - at least for now.


Name Type Description Default
settings PolarisHubSettings | None

A PolarisHubSettings instance.

cache_auth_token bool

Whether to cache the auth token to a file.

**kwargs dict

Additional keyword arguments passed to the authlib OAuth2Client constructor.



get_metadata_from_response(response: Response, key: str) -> str | None

Get custom metadata saved to the R2 object from the headers.


login(overwrite: bool = False, auto_open_browser: bool = True)

Login to the Polaris Hub using the OAuth2 protocol.

Headless authentication

It is currently not possible to login to the Polaris Hub without a browser. See this Github issue for more info.


Name Type Description Default
overwrite bool

Whether to overwrite the current token if the user is already logged in.

auto_open_browser bool

Whether to automatically open the browser to visit the authorization URL.



list_datasets(limit: int = 100, offset: int = 0) -> list[str]

List all available datasets (v1 and v2) on the Polaris Hub. We prioritize v2 datasets over v1 datasets.


Name Type Description Default
limit int

The maximum number of datasets to return.

offset int

The offset from which to start returning datasets.



Type Description

A list of dataset names in the format owner/dataset_name.


    owner: str | HubOwner,
    name: str,
    verify_checksum: ChecksumStrategy = "verify_unless_zarr",
) -> DatasetV1 | DatasetV2

Load a standard dataset from the Polaris Hub.


Name Type Description Default
owner str | HubOwner

The owner of the dataset. Can be either a user or organization from the Polaris Hub.

name str

The name of the dataset.

verify_checksum ChecksumStrategy

Whether to use the checksum to verify the integrity of the dataset. If None, will infer a practical default based on the dataset's storage location.



Type Description
DatasetV1 | DatasetV2

A Dataset instance, if it exists.


list_benchmarks(limit: int = 100, offset: int = 0) -> list[str]

List all available benchmarks on the Polaris Hub.


Name Type Description Default
limit int

The maximum number of benchmarks to return.

offset int

The offset from which to start returning benchmarks.



Type Description

A list of benchmark names in the format owner/benchmark_name.


    owner: str | HubOwner,
    name: str,
    verify_checksum: ChecksumStrategy = "verify_unless_zarr",
) -> BenchmarkV1Specification | BenchmarkV2Specification

Load a benchmark from the Polaris Hub.


Name Type Description Default
owner str | HubOwner

The owner of the benchmark. Can be either a user or organization from the Polaris Hub.

name str

The name of the benchmark.

verify_checksum ChecksumStrategy

Whether to use the checksum to verify the integrity of the benchmark.



Type Description
BenchmarkV1Specification | BenchmarkV2Specification

A BenchmarkSpecification instance, if it exists.


    results: BenchmarkResults,
    access: AccessType = "private",
    owner: HubOwner | str | None = None,

Upload the results to the Polaris Hub.


The owner of the results will automatically be inferred by the Hub from the user making the request. Contrary to other artifact types, an organization cannot own a set of results. However, you can specify the BenchmarkResults.contributors field to share credit with other hub users.

Required metadata

The Polaris client and Hub maintain different requirements as to which metadata is required. The requirements by the Hub are stricter, so when uploading to the Hub you might get some errors on missing metadata. Make sure to fill-in as much of the metadata as possible before uploading.


Name Type Description Default
results BenchmarkResults

The results to upload.

access AccessType

Grant public or private access to result

owner HubOwner | str | None

Which Hub user or organization owns the artifact. Takes precedence over results.owner.



    dataset: DatasetV1 | DatasetV2,
    access: AccessType = "private",
    timeout: TimeoutTypes = (10, 200),
    owner: HubOwner | str | None = None,
    if_exists: ZarrConflictResolution = "replace",

Upload a dataset to the Polaris Hub.


You have to manually specify the owner in the dataset data model. Because the owner could be a user or an organization, we cannot automatically infer this from just the logged-in user.

Required metadata

The Polaris client and Hub maintain different requirements as to which metadata is required. The requirements by the Hub are stricter, so when uploading to the Hub you might get some errors on missing metadata. Make sure to fill-in as much of the metadata as possible before uploading.


Name Type Description Default
dataset DatasetV1 | DatasetV2

The dataset to upload.

access AccessType

Grant public or private access to result

timeout TimeoutTypes

Request timeout values. User can modify the value when uploading large dataset as needed. This can be a single value with the timeout in seconds for all IO operations, or a more granular tuple with (connect_timeout, write_timeout). The type of the the timout parameter comes from httpx. Since datasets can get large, it might be needed to increase the write timeout for larger datasets. See also:

(10, 200)
owner HubOwner | str | None

Which Hub user or organization owns the artifact. Takes precedence over dataset.owner.

if_exists ZarrConflictResolution

Action for handling existing files in the Zarr archive. Options are 'raise' to throw an error, 'replace' to overwrite, or 'skip' to proceed without altering the existing files.



    benchmark: BenchmarkV1Specification | BenchmarkV2Specification,
    access: AccessType = "private",
    owner: HubOwner | str | None = None,

Upload the benchmark to the Polaris Hub.


You have to manually specify the owner in the benchmark data model. Because the owner could be a user or an organization, we cannot automatically infer this from the logged-in user.

Required metadata

The Polaris client and Hub maintain different requirements as to which metadata is required. The requirements by the Hub are stricter, so when uploading to the Hub you might get some errors on missing metadata. Make sure to fill-in as much of the metadata as possible before uploading.

Non-existent datasets

The client will not upload the associated dataset to the Hub if it does not yet exist. Make sure to specify an existing dataset or upload the dataset first.


Name Type Description Default
benchmark BenchmarkV1Specification | BenchmarkV2Specification

The benchmark to upload.

access AccessType

Grant public or private access to result

owner HubOwner | str | None

Which Hub user or organization owns the artifact. Takes precedence over benchmark.owner.



get_competition(artifact_id: str) -> CompetitionSpecification

Load a competition from the Polaris Hub.


Name Type Description Default
artifact_id str

The artifact identifier for the competition



Type Description

A CompetitionSpecification instance, if it exists.


    competition: CompetitionSpecification,
    competition_predictions: CompetitionPredictions,

Submit predictions for a competition to the Polaris Hub. The Hub will evaluate them against the secure test set and store the result.


Name Type Description Default
competition CompetitionSpecification

The competition to evaluate the predictions for.

competition_predictions CompetitionPredictions

The predictions and associated metadata to be submitted to the Hub.



    model: Model,
    access: AccessType = "private",
    owner: HubOwner | str | None = None,

Upload a model to the Polaris Hub.


You have to manually specify the owner in the model data model. Because the owner could be a user or an organization, we cannot automatically infer this from just the logged-in user.

Required metadata

The Polaris client and Hub maintain different requirements as to which metadata is required. The requirements by the Hub are stricter, so when uploading to the Hub you might get some errors on missing metadata. Make sure to fill-in as much of the metadata as possible before uploading.


Name Type Description Default
model Model

The model to upload.

access AccessType

Grant public or private access to result

owner HubOwner | str | None

Which Hub user or organization owns the artifact. Takes precedence over model.owner.
